Above is some kitchen towels that I did for DD. I found this Debbie Mumm striped fabric with owls that was Perfect for DD - she LOVES owls! And, it was in her colors as well. So, I figured it couldn't miss. Quick and easy, and I like how they came out. I may be making some for me, in my colors, of course! (please, no owls and no orange!)
These two were for DS (on the left) - he's "into" planes (15 years in the Air Force!). Those are the dials that are on the plane dashboard. Although, now he tells me they're all screens! Instant antique?? And on the right was for my FIL, the hunter.
Our weather has warmed up to the high 30's/low 40's and gotten back to our "normal" grey and rainy. We still have ice on the lake, but I think it's getting pretty mushy now, although the ducks are still walking on it. We had the white Christmas, which was fun - our first in 30 years! But after a bit, the thrill was gone. Then it finally warmed up, started raining, and the snow disappeared in 2 days. It was quite a shock the other day to wake up and look out the window and see all GREEN!
I've gotten started, again, on this fabric journal I started last summer. It's been sitting on the cutting table, nagging me, but I didn't know quite what I wanted to do. Then other things took priority. I'm sure you know how that goes!
Then I got an idea for the "yellow" page, and it's almost done now. Wow, it feels good to get going on this. Hopefully, I can keep up my momentum on the rest of the pages.
Everyone has been discussing what their resolutions will be for 2009 on their blogs. Using up their stash, finishing old UFO's, and so on. I've been thinking about this too. For the last few years, my standard resolution has been "finish up some of my many UFO's". Well, that's been OK. I've gotten some done and some partially done, as in "not quilted". I'm thinking that perhaps I need to be more specific with myself. Take a look at what UFO's I have and actually decide which ones I should finish this year. I think it might help me to focus better. I know I'm not too good at the focusing part. I tend to pick which project to work on next based strictly on if I feel like doing it or not. Mostly, I guess, it's NOT, to be honest.
So, in the next week or so, I'll be going through my old projects and making some decisions. I think I should post them on my sidebar, to really kick myself in the pants and be accountable. I hate that, you know. But maybe it will help. I want my quilting to be fun and kind of off-the-cuff, but that kind of thinking has only led to waaayyyy too many unfinished projects!
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's and that 2009 will be healthy, happy and Quilt-y!