Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Photo Essay

We had 4 days of freezing fog here this week.  You may remember that I showed some photos of our yard in my previous post here.  Those pix were taken by DH from inside the house.  I wasn't feeling well and the fog and cold were really bothering my lungs, so I didn't venture outside.

Finally, on what turned out to be the last day of the freezing weather, I was feeling well enough to go outside and get some photos.  I was intrigued by why the fir trees looked so grey.  What I found was so beautiful, I thought I would share it with you. (All of these photos will enlarge when clicked on.)

fir boughs

more fir boughs

more fir boughs

fir bough close-up

fir bough, even closer

tree branches

a fern frond

a summer fern

Oregon grape leaves

holly leaves

a twig

Hope you enjoyed it!  I love how some of the plants look like they're edged with lace.  We're back to our regularly scheduled grey, gloomy rain now, so I'm glad I got the photos when I did.  

Back to fabric and quilting in a day or so!


  1. Thanks for these beautiful photos, Sharon! I was happy to see them because of their beauty and because now I can see what my hubby was trying to describe to me!

  2. Cool pics! Is freezing fog unusual? I'd never heard of such a thing.

  3. You're lacey trees are so pretty, very magical. I'm so glad you were able to capture them on photos to share with us.

  4. Wonderful photos - thanks for sharing!

  5. Beautiful wintery pictures. Thank you for sharing them. Hope you are feeling better.

  6. Beautiful photos. There's some hand quilting inspiration amoungst that lot! xx


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