I finally got my issues resolved and can now post. I'm embarrassed to admit that I think it was more "operator headspace" than anything else. Another "Duh!" moment.
Anyway, I can finally share what I was working on last week. My two granddaughters were coming for their first sleepover here on Saturday, so I decided it was time to finish the quilt tops I started for them a couple of years ago. You can see that post
Strawberry Lemonade
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I used two different charm packs from Moda, using two matching charm packs per quilt top, and putting the squares together randomly. And then some yardage for the borders. I also made matching pillowcases. Very easy, and no stress. The quilts aren't very big, and the girls have grown since I sewed the tops! But they still fit, so far.
Dunkel always has to "help" with the photo shoot.
Much better, now he's all covered up in the quilt. He actually stayed there for about 3 hours.
A better closeup to see the quilting design in both the middle of the quilt and the border. I did all of this quilting with the walking foot.
Blue flannel on the back . . . nice and cuddly!
Spring Meadow
40 in by 48 in |
I actually had 2 pieces of "leftover" pieces of batting in my stash that were pretty darn close to the right size, and didn't have to cut into big pieces of batting, or buy anything new. That made me happy.
I decided to just do the same design on this one too. Easy-peasy.
But I did free-motion on this border. It's not very good, but it's finished, and that's the best thing. I'm not real happy with how I did, but I'm not going to rip it out either. Maybe someday I'll get better at this.
This one has purple flannel on the back . . . more cuddles.
Both girls loved their quilts, and the sleepover was a great success.
What was fun (and funny) was that both girls wanted to do some sewing while they were here. The oldest one even brought her own sparkly purple fabric! We made a pillowcase for her small travel pillow on Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning they both wanted to do more sewing, so we made pillows for their stuffed toys. More of the sparkly purple got used, and some pink fabric (of course!) for the youngest girl. I forgot to get any pictures, unfortunately. They were both pleased with their projects, which made me happy! I'm hoping next time to have them do some of the sewing themselves. I think they're old enough to (carefully) use the machine.
Being a grandma can sure be a lot of fun!