After three loooong weeks, and amid many interruptions and distractions (Olympics, much?) I can proudly announce that my quilt studio is now clean and ready for me to sew. Whew! That was tough to get through.
The worst/best part, besides just slogging through it all, was all the discoveries of unfinished projects both recent and ancient. Very distracting for me, because I want to finish them all NOW. The photo above is the only (very ancient) project I let myself finish when I found it. And I got it done in time for Valentine's Day. Yay me. It only needed a bit of sewing on the side seam to close where I turned it right side out. Oh, and then I decided that I really hated the tan hearts. Why did I use tan?? I hate detest tan. So the buttons seem to help. It only took me one hour to pick out just the right buttons. *groan* See why I let myself only finish one older project? But, done is done and that is a Good Thing.
So, in the area of distractions, I spent a little time in the pottery studio with The Potter. I made some little trays for myself. I like to use leaves on my pottery, but since it's the middle of winter there aren't many leaves available. So, cedar tree to the rescue! I'm really pleased with my cedar plate. It's just the right size for some apple slices, or cheese and crackers, or whatever.
The Potter has a new square mold that I wanted to try. It's just so little and cute! So, I did find some violet leaves in the yard, although it was tough to find some that hadn't been chewed half-to-death by slugs. The leaf impressions have been stained with green but there is no glaze on them. I really like the look of the bare clay, and it is totally food-safe as it is high-fired. I like to run my fingers over the clay to feel the impressions. And this is my fave blue glaze. It was fun to play in the pottery studio for a little bit, but I'd really rather be playing with fabric.
I went to a quilt show last weekend and as soon as I have some time to process those pix, I will do a blog post with quilt-y pictures. I know you're all waiting with bated breath!
Now, off to the quilt studio! There's fabric to be played with!