Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

A sweet heart for Heart Day!

We're all ready for Valentine's Day at Haus Indigo.  We have everything we need:  valentines and CHOCOLATE. Of the frosting variety.  Topping cherry chip cupcakes.  And with special Valentine's Day sprinkles too.  We already taste-tested these, and they passed with flying colors.  Yum.

Here's what I've been working on the last few days.  More Unruly Letters.  This is for GD #2, whose birthday is in a few days. 

I hope you all have a love-ly Valentine's Day.

And I "heart" my readers! 


  1. Love your unruly letters! What a pretty name...
    Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

  2. Hope that your Valentines Day was fun. I'll be right over to eat that lovely cupcake--

  3. Happy Valentines Day to you too. Also, Happy Blogiversary oh Forgetful One.


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