I hope everyone had a happy Christmas and have been enjoying the holidays. On the 20th we watched our granddaughters dance in their ballet school's Nutcracker selections. They both dance on-point now and they each had their first solos! A very exciting time for them!
We had a great time Christmas Eve at our oldest son's home with his family, and then a quiet day on Christmas, just the 3 of us at home. It will be a quiet New Year's for us too. We're going to watch the Dr. Who special and play board games. I'm looking forward to it.
Fortunately, we had some honest-to-God bright sunlight this morning for the first time in days, so I could get some photos I've been wanting to take for a while now. It's been so very dark and rainy here, and just terrible lighting for photos. So this was a wonderful opportunity! Plus, sunny makes us happy here!
This is based on a couple of quilts in Alexandra Ledgerwood's book Improvising Tradition. I had to use mostly batiks to get the right tones of tropical blues and greens. Fortunately, I have a small bin of batik scraps, which came in very handy! I just sat down and started doing some improv log cabin-y blocks, which is my favorite kind of creativity!
When I liked what I had with the blocks, then I had to figure out the right proportions for a tablerunner. It wasn't too hard, and I'd like to do another one of these. I made notes so I could repeat this!
The quilting design was courtesy of my DS. He drew a sketch and then was kind enough to draw it on the quilt sandwich with a hera marker, making the quilting very easy.
Leigh Ann seemed very happy with this!
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This was gifted to me, and made by LaDonna. A great tote bag! I love that off-set pocket!
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I love all the pockets on the inside! Those are always handy. I think all tote bags should have multiple pockets - LaDonna must have read my mind! And the fabrics she chose are so fun! Kitties and then goldfish swimming in bowls for the pockets.
I don't talk a lot about myself on here, but I will say that I'm glad to see 2018 end. It has been a tough year. Dear Son was sick for a lot of it, Dear Hubby was traveling for a lot of it and I got to take up the slack. Which didn't leave much time for quilting. :( Then I broke 3 toes in July and found out I have osteoporosis. DH retired the end of August, which he really needed. All that world traveling was taking a toll.
Fortunately, he's around now that I need him, because in October I injured my foot. The doctor thought it was a sprained ankle. I rested it and used a cane to walk with and then in November I started physical therapy for it. But by December, it was much worse! So I quit P.T. and went back to the doctor.
I've been staying off of it as much as possible and using a cane to hobble around. Wednesday the 2nd I'm going to have an MRI to find out what is going on and how bad it is. I'm kind of dreading finding out - I don't want to have surgery! So, I'm hoping for good news in January! Cross your fingers or say a little prayer for me, please!
Goodbye 2018! Hello 2019!
Since I made my tablerunner with a bin of scraps, I think it qualifies, so I'm linking up with Oh Scrap! over at Quilting Is More Fun Than Houseworrk.
And Happy quilting!