With two major(ish) injuries this year (the tenosyovitis in my right thumb in the spring and then the broken arm in the fall), I didn't even come close to getting as many quilt projects done as I had hoped to. It's been a frustrating year for me. I had high hopes for finishing many of my UFO's. I got a few done, and also created some others. But my overall output was pretty low. I'm thinking that next year has got to be an improvement!

Above is one side of one of the placemats (she made 4) that my sister made for me for my birthday. (My birthday was in November, but that's not a problem for me. We're both notoriously slow at gift-giving - it's a tradition now!) I think these are fantastic! I love them! I couldn't wait to get the Christmas placemats off the table so that I could start using these!

My sister actually "shopped" in my quilt studio for fabrics for these. We figured that if I had already bought the fabrics, they're probably ones I like. I honestly can't tell which ones were mine and which ones she added. They all work together so well, and they're just what I wanted! Ya just can't beat that, can ya?

DH and I are staying home and having a quiet evening tonight. Just the two of us, with beef barley soup and homemade oatmeal bread. Lots of Christmas cookies too. We'll be watching the movie "Up!" for our entertainment. Nothing too exciting here! I'm also doing laundry and finishing up some putting away of Christmas and other chores so tomorrow I can pack my suitcase, as Saturday I'm off to Nevada for two weeks to visit my daughter.
I wish everyone a happy, healthy and creative New Year. And a big Thank You to all my bloggy friends and everyone who visits my blog.