I have been neglecting my poor blog, due to being super-busy for the last 10 days. I'm so behind on reading all my favorites - I'm trying to catch up a little here and there, but we're still busy with no let-up for at least a week. I've been so busy, I haven't even had a chance to get in the quilt studio!
Last Saturday we took a little trip with our friend K. We've not done this for awhile, so it was a lot of fun. We had a great day. We decided to visit Whidbey Island, which is in Puget Sound. Whidbey Island is BIG and the trip took us all day. We took a ferry over to the island from Mukilteo - my first ferry ride! We drove the whole length of the island, with various stops along the way. We stopped at a wonderful Farmer's Market, then went to Langely. We were in Coupeville for lunch and ice cream. Coupeville is the oldest town in Washington, and is very picturesque. We stopped at a lavender farm and I bought some wonderful lavender products. (I love lavender!) We also stopped at a state park on the western shore, where we could see all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

We went to Oak Harbor and saw a little bit of the Navy base there. Then we kept driving north and ended up at Deception Pass. This is the bridge that leads off Whidbey Island and onto Fidalgo Island. From there, we drove back to the mainland. We stopped in Kirkland for dinner at
Wilde Rover Irish Pub and got to listen to live music. That was a great ending to a fun day.
On Monday we drove down to Vancouver (WA) for my nephew's high school graduation. We had a blast! My sister was a very gracious hostess. My niece was home from college for the weekend as well, so we got to visit with her too.
While I was there, I spied a familiar item on her quilt rack. Lo and behold, it was a wallhanging that I had made for her. . . in her favorite colors. . .many years ago - so many years ago, I'd forgotten all about it!

Here is the wallhanging out on her back deck, which is beautiful. (Love her flowers!) As I faintly remember, this is an original design, using traditional blocks. (I used a book by Pepper Cory about combining blocks, called "Crosspatch". Dover has re-published it as
"Multiblock Quilt Designs".) And shame on me - this wallhanging doesn't have a label on it, and I don't remember
when I made this.
As you can see, I put quite a bit of quilting on this one. I'm really quite pleased with this!
My wonderful sister has let this quilt come home with me on loan. While I've got my hands on it, I really need to put a label on it. Which means I have to come up with a name for it too. I haven't thought of anything yet. Any ideas??

Here is my obsessive take on stipple quilting. I can't believe how small I got this. What was I thinking??
I went to a quilt show on Friday, but I'll save all that for my next post. Hopefully I can get that done sometime this week!
Today The Potter (DH) is off to see the Mariner's ballgame with DS for Father's Day. So that means I have the rest of the day to sew! Yay! See ya later!